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What is a home inspection?

A home inspection is a professional evaluation of all visible and accessible components (roof, siding, windows, electric, plumbing, HVAC…) of a structure. It is intended to give the client an understanding of their overall condition. While no home, not even a newly built one, is perfect, as a consumer you want to be sure your investment is a sound one. They also will know which issues need further evaluation and refer you to a professional in the applicable field.

Will a home inspector find every issue in my new home? Do they offer a guarantee?

NO. It isn’t humanly possible to find every single issue of a property. There are some problems that are weather related, too hidden, or located in parts of a home that are unrealistic to inspect. However a qualified home inspector will make note of potential issues that an untrained eye will not recognize as important. No one can guarantee the life of any part of a home. (Warranties from other sources can be purchased to cover most parts of a home.)

If a home inspector’s job is to find faults in a home why would the seller agree to this?

It is your right to have a home inspection before purchasing a home. A seller cannot legally block or impede the inspection in any way. While it is your home inspector’s obligation to point out potential hazards, most issues are fairly easy to deal with and are not reasons to walk away from your potential new home.

Must I be there while the home is inspected?

NO. It is not necessary to be present during a home inspection, but it is highly recommended. Generally an inspection takes 2-3 hours. The time can vary depending on the age of the structure, its condition and its size. A clear report describing the component of your potential home, it’s conditions and hazards will be provided to you.

My potential new home is still occupied. Can I still have it professionally inspected?

YES! While more challenging to see what is going on in an occupied home, it is still possible and should be inspected. If the inspector feels that there may be parts that need further inspection, he will suggest a secondary inspection once the house is emptied.

I am buying a newly built home, should it be inspected?

YES. Even a brand new home should be inspected. Many things can go wrong during the building process and small yet important details can be missed. It’s not worthwhile waiting for problems to arise when they can be prevented.

Radon. What’s that?

Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas. It comes from the natural decay of uranium and thorium found in nearly all soils. It is only dangerous in high quantity. It generally moves upwards into a home through cracks and crevices. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarettes smoking.

Testing for radon is important, easy, and inexpensive. Having a radon test done before moving into a new home can protect you and your family. A radon mitigation system can be installed before moving if the radon is found to be high. Only a licensed radon inspector can test radon for a real estate transaction.

What can I expect from The Home Inspection Guy of New Jersey?

With the Home Inspection Guy of New Jersey you can be assured you’ll be getting the very best evaluation of your potential new home/investment. You can expect a clear and comprehensive report outlining the structure’s many important components. Your report will include a summary of all alerts and hazards. It will also include other crucial information about maintaining your new home. This report will allow you to get to know the potential property and its details. Armed with this report you’ll able to make your best decision for your family or your investment. With the Home Inspection Guy of New Jersey you can be completely confident with your choice.

Happy New Home!

The Guy who loves to say YES!!

  • YES!! We will provide you with a comprehensive report, including a summery of highlighted issues.
  • YES!! In most cases within 3 business days your report will be emailed directly to you.
  • YES!! If you need it faster we can expedite your report.
  • YES!! Your report will include tips to upkeep your new home.
  • YES!! We do RADON inspections.
  • YES!! We can refer you to a specialist as needed.
  • YES!! We use a high quality drone to inspect the roof.
  • YES!! We enter all accessible attics.
  • YES!! We have lots of experience inspecting homes. We even spent 2 years inspecting foreclosed bank houses.
  • YES!! We consider it a privilege to serve you.
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